BITT Polytechnic – Ground Zero for Research and Development
Technical education is one of the significant components of human resource development spectrum. It has a great potential for adding value and derive quality to and from products and services for contributing to the national economy and improving quality of livelihood of the people in India.
Technical, Vocational and Educational Training education has a history of 150 years in India, but during the last 50 years there has been phenomenal growth in the opportunities for technical education specially in areas like Jharkhand, with established of well-organized and efficient institutes like BITT Polytechnic.
The pool of engineering and technology professionals from Indian technical education system is second largest pool of manpower in the world.
BITT Polytechnic offers technical education is being offered in country at three level, degree and post-degree level, Diploma level. BITT Polytechnic in India course designed inspires students to conduct research in the relevant fields and advancement of learning and dissemination of knowledge. Curriculum of program which is offered in polytechnic is forward looking, well-planned comprising of all learning experiences to professional, personal and cognitive development.
The workforce needs to expose themselves to question based inquisitive learning as the national level manpower need analysis and critical insight to emerging areas of technologies, existing facilities and BITT Polytechnic is only the type of institute required for accepting, absorbing technology and converting technology to be utilizable, functional and usable for society, will help to achieve a sustainable inclusive prosperity of students.
BITT Polytechnic affiliated as Jharkhand University of technology, approved by AICTE and recognized by govt of Jharkhand takes a confident and constructive step in providing students scholastic freedom and to attain pragmatic scientific and research-based intellect.
BITT Polytechnic provides integrated approach with courses in mechanical, electronics and communication, computer science and civil has designed on basis of Curriculum development and Instruction based learning.
BITT Polytechnic in a curriculum development framework, its Curriculum evolved over the years from a narrow set of disjointed offering of subjects to a comprehensive logical and chronological array of relevant student learning experiences.
BITT Polytechnic in its Instruction based learning modules includes elements which are built into a continuous cycle of activities which constitute a process of instructional development, while taking decision about each activity like objectives as well as method or process considered. It allows its student to develop an understanding to show them things rather than tell them things.
Dr. Ranjeet Kumar
Chairman, GOI
BITT Polytechnic